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Departmental review for Salmonid fish for human consumption

Effective from 10 May 2023

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) has streamlined the import conditions of the BICON case 'Salmonid fish for human consumption'. Additionally, Iceland has been added to List of Approved Countries and Overseas Authorities for Salmon.

What’s changed:

  • Permits will now be for all ‘approved countries’, so individual permits are not required for each country (excluding New Zealand). This also enables importers to access new countries and competent authorities without needing to amend permits.
  • The list of approved overseas authorities has now been published on the departmental website.
  • Permits now give the option for a single health certificate to be provided by the processing countries competent authority (they will attest to sourcing and processing statements). The previous certification process of providing a health certificate from both source and processing country will remain as an alternative.

NOTE: The above changes will only apply to permits issued after 10 May 2023.

Importers may choose to apply for new permits if they wish to have the new conditions.

Additional information for Salmonid fish for human consumption can now be found on the department’s website.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of salmonid fish for human consumption, Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessments and biosecurity staff.

Further information:
Please contact the Food Biosecurity Imports Program on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: