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Updates to species listings in the ‘Birdseed’ case

Effective from 24 May 2023

The department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has completed a Weed Risk Assessment (WRA) for the species listed in the table below.

The assessment determined that the species are permitted for import subject to the import conditions of the ‘Birdseed’ case, on the basis that they either:

  • pose a low weed risk and seed-borne disease risk to Australia.
  • are already present in Australia and not under official control, and no known associated disease risk.
  • are a synonym of subordinate taxa of an already listed permitted species.

As a result, the below scientific names have been added to the list of permitted species in the ‘Birdseed’ case.

No other changes have been made to import conditions for birdseed.

Alocasia heterophylla

Gymnocalycium bozsingianum

Acanthocalycium thionanthum subsp. glaucum

Gymnocalycium horridispinum

Amorphophallus claudelii

Hesperoyucca whipplei

Amorphophallus ongsakulii

Hypoxis parvula

Amorphophallus rayongii

Lobivia marsoneri

Amydrium zippelianum

Lobivia maximiliana

Anthosachne kingiana subsp. multiflora

Lobivia thionantha var. glauca

Austrocephalocereus albicephalus

Mammillaria schwarzii

Austrocephalocereus dolichospermaticus

Melicope littoralis

Austrocephalocereus estevesii

Monstera ‘Karstenianum’

Austrocephalocereus purpureus

Monstera ‘Peru’

Clinopodium album

Nigella papillosa

Clinopodium nepeta

Parodia werneri

Clinopodium thymifolium

Philodendron ‘Golden Ring of Fire’

Clinopodium xhostii

Philodendron ‘Serratum’

Clinopodium xthymifolium

Philodendron linnaei

Coprosma pilosa

Philodendron sharoniae

Cornukaempferia larsenii

Philodendron spiritus-sancti

Cornukaempferia longipetiolata

Pilosocereus fulvilanatus

Cornukaempferia aurantiflora

Pilosocereus pachycladus

Dichondra micranthra

Pseudopilocereus pachycladus

Elymus multiflorum

Rhaphidophora puberula

Epipremnum amplissimum

Rhodiola heterodonta

Euphorbia boiteaui

Rhodiola rhodantha

Euphorbia cap-saintemariensis

Rhodotypos scandens

Euphorbia crassicaulis

Rhodoxis hybrida ‘Hebron Farm Red Eye’

Euphorbia decaryi

Richea continentis

Euphorbia francoisii

Satureja thymifolia

Euphorbia spirosticha

Tmesipteris norfolkensis

Galvezia juncea

Zinnia marylandica

Gambelia juncea

These changes have been reflected in the published Permitted Seeds List (updated on 24 May 2023), which contains conditionally non-prohibited goods which are subject to specific conditions of import, as outlined in the Biosecurity (Conditionally Non-Prohibited Goods) Determination 2021.

The Weed Risk Assessment system is a science-based quarantine risk analysis tool for determining the weed potential of a plant. All plants proposed for importation into Australia and not currently permitted on BICON are assessed for their potential to become weeds in Australia. Further information on the Weed Risk Assessment system is available on the department’s webpage for Weed assessment of new plant imports.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of birdseed, customs brokers and departmental staff.

Further information:
Contact Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: