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Re-structured BICON case for stockfeed, stockfeed ingredients and stockfeed additives

Effective from 29 April 2023

The department has reviewed the BICON case format for stockfeed, stockfeed ingredients and stockfeed additives as part of the department’s ongoing commitment to quality review. The updates to the existing case will clarify import conditions and improve experience for BICON users.

Updates include:

  1. New landing page which allows users to more accurately select an option for what best describes their goods.
  2. For products containing plant ingredients (including macroalgae) only, a direct pathway has been created from the landing page.
  3. Information boxes included to provide further clarification or definitions, where appropriate.

Please note that import conditions have not been altered in the re-structure of the BICON case.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of or brokers for stockfeed, stockfeed ingredients and stockfeed additives, Pathways Operations Cargo – Assessments and Inspections, and biosecurity staff.

Further information:
Please contact Animal and Biological Imports Branch on 1800 900 090 or

This Change applies to the following Cases: