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Removal of systemic fungicide treatment for Magifera spp. imported as budwood

Effective from 24 October 2022

Effective immediately, the on arrival systemic fungicide treatment requirement for Mangifera spp. imported as budwood has been removed.

All other import conditions continue to apply, including the requirement for budwood to be treated with a sodium hypochlorite solution and a broad spectrum miticide/insecticide on arrival at the Commonwealth post-entry quarantine facility in Mickleham, Victoria.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of Mangifera spp. for use as nursery stock, brokers, and department staff.


  • The department has reviewed the systemic fungicide treatment requirement for Mangifera spp. imported as budwood to ensure that our conditions remain current and best able to protect Australian agriculture from new and emerging plant pests and diseases.
  • The review concluded that the treatment is no longer required as an additional risk management measure to manage the fungal risks associated with Mangifera spp. budwood to achieve Australia’s appropriate level of protection, including the fungal pathogens causing Mango Sudden Death Syndrome and Mango Malformation Disease. The department considers that these risks are adequately and effectively managed to an acceptable level through existing post-entry quarantine disease screening and active testing requirements. Accordingly, import conditions have been revised to remove the specific requirement for all plant material to be treated with a systemic fungicide.

Import permits:
Import permits will be varied to reflect the changes at no cost to permit holders. The department will contact affected permit holders regarding these variations.

Further information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or by email at (please title the subject line of the email ‘Plant T2 – Mangifera spp. systemic fungicide treatment changes’).

This Change applies to the following Cases: