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Implementation of high throughput sequencing for virus detection in Fragaria spp. nursery stock

Effective from 24 October 2022

Import conditions for Fragaria spp. nursery stock have been revised to include high throughput sequencing (HTS) as a testing method to detect viruses of biosecurity concern during post-entry quarantine growth and disease screening in Australia.

  • HTS replaces the testing methods previously used to detect quarantinable viruses in Fragaria nursery stock, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and UC5 graft indicators.
  • The department’s use of HTS for testing imported Fragaria spp. is limited to virus detection for on-arrival disease screening. The PEQ testing methods used to detect of other pests (e.g. bacteria, fungi) and the conditions for Fragaria spp. imported from an approved source, remain unchanged.
  • The minimum quarantine period for Fragaria nursery stock remains unchanged (i.e. minimum 12 months quarantine).

Further background on the department’s transition to HTS testing is located here.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of Fragaria spp. nursery stock, brokers and department staff.

Further information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or by email at (please title the subject line of the email with ‘Plant T2 – High throughput sequencing’).

This Change applies to the following Cases: