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Update to case tilte to reduce ambiguity

Effective from 25 November 2022

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has updated the title of this case from ‘Low risk genetic material and/or microorganisms for in vitro and/or in vivo use in plants’ to ‘Low risk genetic material (nucleic acids and their derivatives) relating to plants or plant research’ in order to reduce ambiguity with conditions for genetic material that is not associated with plants or plant pathogens.

For genetic material that is not associated with plants or plant pathogens, please review the import pathway for Genetic material (nucleic acids and their derivatives) excluding plants and plant pathogens.

Who does the notice affect:
Importers and brokers of low risk genetic material (nucleic acids and their derivatives) relating to plants or plant research as well as department staff.

Import permits:
No action is required from permit holders and there is no need to request your permits be varied. Permit conditions for those holding impacted permits have not changed, only the name of the import permit case has changed.

Further information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email at

This Change applies to the following Cases: