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Removal of two phytosanitary measures for fresh Tahitian limes from New Caledonia

Effective from 1 December 2022

Updated import conditions have been published on BICON for the importation of fresh Tahitian lime fruit from New Caledonia.

The department has reviewed these conditions and based on recommendations has removed the following phytosanitary measures from fresh Tahitian limes from New Caledonia for managing citrus scab (Elsinöe fawcetti; synonym Sphaceloma fawcettii):

  • Chemical control, using an appropriate and effective fungicide (for citrus scab control). Spray records must be maintained.
  • Detection of Sphaceloma fawcettii (citrus scab) during pre-export or on-arrival inspection will result in the removal of the source orchard from the export program for the remainder of the export season.

Who does this notice affect:
This notice affects importers of fresh Tahitian lime fruit from New Caledonia, brokers and Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessments.

Further information:
For additional information you can email Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: