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New standard permits for food samples

Effective from 25 May 2022

The department has made changes to the import conditions for Food samples including prawn samples.

New standard permits developed:

  • Food samples (excluding fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh and semi processed plant products, raw nuts, whole grains, prawns, salmonid fish, raw meat and raw egg).
  • Prawn samples (maximum of 10kg per consignment)

Import conditions require the goods to be directed to and used in an approved arrangements site Class 5.
The direct or indirect exposure of the imported materials or their derivatives to animals or plants is not permitted.

Standard permits are permits with pre-assessed generic conditions applied. For more information refer to the departments website: standard permits for biological products.
If the conditions in the standard permit cannot be met, importers are advised to apply for a non-standard permit.

A link has been added to the BICON commodity case Prawns to redirect importers of prawn samples to the Foods samples case.

Who does this affect:
Importers of food samples and prawn samples for laboratory or sensory testing, Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessment and/or Inspections, Client Contact Group .

Further information:
If you require any further information, or have questions about these changes, please contact the Food Biosecurity Imports Program on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: