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Changes to Human fluids and tissues not free from disease

Effective from 4 November 2022

On 1 November 2022 the Department amended the import conditions for ‘Human fluids and tissues that are free from listed diseases’ in response to recent outbreaks of human and animal pathogens worldwide.

The case now prohibits the import of human fluids and tissues infected with, or suspected to be infected with, any of the following:

In addition, the department actioned the following:

  • Updated consignment-specific evidence requirements to reflect the additional exclusions and to ensure clear demonstration of adherence to conditions.
  • Included explanatory information regarding the intent of the permit case (i.e. what goods are permitted for what purpose).

What does this mean for you:
There is no action required from current permit holders. The department has amended active permits and you will have been notified via email if your import permit was affected.

For further information on the changes please contact the department at (attention to: Laboratory & Human Tissues Program) or call 1800 900 090.

Who does this alert affect:
Importers of infected human fluids and tissues, Pathways Operations Cargo – Assessment and Inspections, Client Contact Group.

This Change applies to the following Cases: