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Permit not required for pet fish food, not containing salmonid material with microalgae ingredients

Effective from 26 April 2022

As a result of amendments to the Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Non prohibited Goods) Determination 2021 (the Goods Determination), import conditions in the BICON commodity case ‘Pet fish food’ have changed.

Alternative conditions for pet fish food, not containing salmonid material-with microalgae ingredients, which satisfy the following requirements, have been introduced into the Goods Determination:

  1. The ingredients used in the manufacture of the goods were not derived from terrestrial or avian animals.
  2. The goods do not contain ingredients derived from fish of the family Salmonidae (i.e. salmon, trout or related species).
  3. The goods do not contain whole seeds or viable plant materials.
  4. The goods do not contain:

    4.1. microalgae, or

    4.2. the goods contain a listed microalgae species where none of the following were used in producing the listed microalgae:

    4.2.1. water sourced from intensive animal production (including an aquaculture system, other than the aquaculture system in which the microalgae was produced) or from an animal or human effluent system,

    4.2.2. material derived from animals.

  5. The goods are packed in individual containers of not more than 5 kilograms.
  6. The goods have been commercially prepared and packaged.
  7. The goods are ready for retail sale without any further processing.
  8. the goods have been:

    8.1. treated, while subject to biosecurity control, with 50kGy of ionising radiation under an approved arrangement; or

    8.2. treated, outside Australian territory, with 50kGy of ionising radiation at a facility that the Director of Biosecurity is satisfied can treat food for consumption by pet fish so that biosecurity risks associated with the food are managed to an acceptable level; or

    8.3. otherwise treated or processed using a method that the Director of Biosecurity is satisfied is appropriate to manage the biosecurity risks associated with the goods to an acceptable level.

Consignments of these goods can now be brought into Australian territory without an import permit. Importers will still need to meet the current conditions as outlined in the ‘Pet fish food’ BICON case.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of food for pet fish, Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessment and Client Contact Group.

Further information:
Please contact the Animal and Biological Imports Branch on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: