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Change of unpacking and inspection requirements for sunflower kernels for human consumption

Effective from 14 July 2022

The department has published updated onshore requirements to improve the clearance process of sunflower kernels for human consumption. This change specifically removes the “under department’s supervision” requirement for unpacking as the unpacking of sunflower kernels no longer requires the supervision of biosecurity officers prior to inspection. It also removes the “partial inspection” option for onshore inspections as sunflower kernels will only undertake full unpack inspections at an appropriate approved arrangement site.

Who does this notice affect:
Sunflower kernel importers, their brokers and sunflower kernel permit holders, Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessment and Inspection.

Import permits:
No action is required to amend the PDF form of the permit as these changes will be reflected in the internal onshore outcomes only.

Further information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: