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Fresh pomelo, tangelo, tangor and grapefruit/pomelo hybrids for human consumption

Effective from 9 February 2022

The department has published updated import conditions to improve the clearance process onshore for fresh produce commodities that have been assessed as ‘passed’ for in-transit cold treatment. This change specifically removes the seals intact inspection direction from all 'passed' in-transit cold treated fresh produce within the onshore outcomes.

Where the outcome of the in-transit cold treatment is unknown or failed, the seals intact direction will remain.

A range of information updates to assist department staff have also been included in the onshore assessment and outcomes sections.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of fresh produce from all countries, brokers and Pathway Operations Cargo – Assessment and Inspections.

Further information:
For additional information, email Plant Import Operations at (attention ‘Plant T2’) or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: