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Import condition change for pet fish food containing salmonid material

Effective from 12 July 2022

The department has finalised a review of the BICON case for fish and fish products for use as pet food and stockfeed. As a result of the review some changes have been made. These changes include:

  • Simplifying the BICON pathway.
  • Pathway for goods containing salmonid material are no longer required to adhere to a restricted level of salmonid material in a product.
  • The Standard permit for Pet fish food containing up to 2% salmonid material has been changed to Pet fish food containing salmonid material.
  • The requirement for official government certification attesting the salmonid material be treated with a moist heat of 100°C for at least 30 minutes has been changed to a moist heat of 85°C for 25 minutes.

Who does this notice affect:
All importers of Pet fish food; Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessments; Client Contact Group.

Further information:
Please contact the Animal and Biological Imports Branch on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: