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Updates to species listings in the ‘Birdseed’ case

Effective from 20 May 2022

The following scientific names have been removed from the ‘Birdseed’ case. These species are no longer considered to be permitted seed from New Zealand, as they belong to a regulated plant family that has the potential to transmit Australia’s highest ranked national priority plant pest, Xylella species, through seed.

These listings are now considered restricted species, must be accompanied with an import permit and subject to mandatory treatment to ensure that the seed is devitalised prior to release from biosecurity control.

Carya alba

Carya aquatica

Carya buckleyi

Carya buckleyi var. villosa

Carya cordiformis

Carya glabra

Carya illinoensis

Carya illinoinensis

Carya laciniosa

Carya oliviformis

Carya ovata

Carya pallida

Carya pecan

Carya texana

Carya tomentosa

Hicoria pallida

Hicorius glabra var. villosa

Hicorius laciniosa

Hicorius pecan

Hicorius villosa

Juglans cordiformis

Juglans glabra

Juglans illinoinensis

Juglans laciniosa

Juglans oliviformis

Juglans pecan

No other changes have been made to import conditions for birdseed.

These changes have been reflected in the published Permitted Seeds List (updated on 20 May 2022), which contains conditionally non-prohibited goods which are subject to specific conditions of import, as outlined in the Biosecurity (Conditionally Non-Prohibited Goods) Determination 2021.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of birdseed, customs brokers and departmental staff.

Further information:
Contact Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: