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New BICON case for Carya spp. seed for sowing

Effective from 18 May 2022

The following species have been moved from the ‘Nut and woody tree seeds for sowing’ BICON case, into a new case called ‘Carya spp. as seeds for sowing’.

Carya alba

Carya aquatica

Carya buckleyi

Carya buckleyi var. villosa

Carya cordiformis

Carya glabra

Carya illinoensis

Carya illinoinensis

Carya laciniosa

Carya oliviformis

Carya ovata

Carya pallida

Carya pecan

Carya texana

Carya tomentosa

Hicoria pallida

Hicorius glabra var. villosa

Hicorius laciniosa

Hicorius pecan

Hicorius villosa

Juglans cordiformis

Juglans glabra

Juglans illinoinensis

Juglans laciniosa

Juglans oliviformis

Juglans pecan

As advised on 16 May 2022, emergency measures will apply to the above species to manage the risk of Xylella fastidiosa, Australia’s highest ranked priority plant pest.

To keep updated on the emergency measures for Carya seeds for sowing, please subscribe to the ‘Carya spp. as seeds for sowing’ BICON case using these instructions.

Who does this alert affect:
Importers (and their customs brokers) of Carya seed species (listed above) imported for sowing and department staff.

Further information:
Enquiries can be directed to 1800 900 090 or via email at (please title the subject line of the email with ‘Xylella emergency measures – Plant T2’).

This Change applies to the following Cases: