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Updates to species listings in the ‘Raw seed for human consumption’ case

Effective from 31 March 2022

The ‘Raw seed for human consumption’ case has been updated to include the following changes to the species listings:

  1. Vaccinium delaveyi has been removed from the case, as this species has been identified through a departmental assessment as an illegitimate name.
  2. The following scientific names have been added, as the department has assessed that these species pose a low weed risk or are already present in Australia and not under official control. As a result, these species may be permitted entry into Australian territory subject to the import conditions under the ‘Raw seed for human consumption’ BICON case.

Acaena adscendens

Acaena magellanica

Ageratina adenophora

Alocasia azlanii

Alocasia baginda

Alocasia 'Maharani'

Alocasia reginula

Alocasia reversa

Alocasia rugosa

Alocasia scalprum

Alocasia venusta

Anthurium cupulispathum

Anthurium forgetii

Anthurium jenmanii

Anthurium magnificum

Anthurium regale

Arundo donax

Brassica tardarae

Brighamia insignis

Caladium praetermissum

Celtis paniculata

Chirita yungfuensis

Chrysanthemum leucanthemum

Cremanthodium ellisii

Cyanella alba

Dracaena cantleyi

Euphorbia ammak

Euphorbia confinalis

Euphorbia cooperi

Euphorbia grandidens

Euphorbia kamerunica

Euphorbia teixeirae

Ferula assa-foetida

Geogenanthus ciliates

Geogenanthus poeppigii

Geranium canopurpureum

Geranium pylzowianum

Geranium regelii

Geranium subacutum

Gillenia trifoliata

Hylocereus costaricensis

Hylocereus megalanthus

Lepidosperma laterale

Lepidosperma longitudinale

Lepturus repens

Leucanthemum vulgare

Monstera siltepecana

Peperomia macrorhiza

Peperomia trinervis

Peperomia turboensis

Peperomia vestita

Philodendron acutifolium

Philodendron barrosoanum

Philodendron brandtianum

Philodendron fibrosum

Philodendron giganteum

Philodendron lehmannii

Philodendron levelii

Philodendron lupinum

Philodendron lynnhannoniae

Philodendron milleri

Philodendron pinnatilobum

Philodendron plowmanii

Philodendron roseospathum

Philodendron squamicaule

Philodendron subhastatum

Philodendron x joepii

Philodendron ‘Dark lord’

Philodendron ‘Joepii’

Philodendron ‘Paraiso Verde’

Piper argyrites

Piper crocatum

Piper magnificum

Polyphlebium endlicherianum

Primulina yungfuensis

Rhaphidophora pertusa

Scindapsus treubii

Selenicereus costaricensis

Senecio aconitifolius

Tetradium daniellii

Tetrapanax papyrifer

Utricularia cornigera

Xeranthemum squamosum

Zehneria mucronata

No other changes have been made to import conditions for Raw seed for human consumption.

These changes have been reflected in the published Permitted Seeds List (updated on 31 March 2022), which contains conditionally non-prohibited goods which are subject to specific conditions of import, as outlined in the Biosecurity (Conditionally Non-Prohibited Goods) Determination 2021.

All additions highlighted under Point two are being made following a departmental assessment, which determined that there is a low risk of these species becoming weeds in Australia, or the species is already present in Australia and not under official control.

The Weed Risk Assessment system is a science-based quarantine risk analysis tool for determining the weed potential of a plant. All plants proposed for importation into Australia and not currently permitted on BICON are assessed for their potential to become weeds in Australia. Further information on the Weed Risk Assessment system is available on the department's webpage

Who does this notice affect?
Importers of seed for sowing, customs brokers and departmental staff.

Further information:
Contact Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: