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Cacti for use as nursery stock

Effective from 21 December 2016

This notice provides clients of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) notification of changes to import requirements for un-rooted grafted cacti from The Republic of Korea.

What is the change?

  • The department has completed a review of the Korean Department of Plant Quarantine (DPQ) offshore systems approach for un-rooted grafted cacti.

  • The systems approach uses virus free mother plants, pest-exclusionary production houses, regular monitoring, insecticidal treatments and pre-shipment inspection and phytosanitary certification.

  • Permitted species of un-rooted grafted cacti imported under the systems approach from Korea, with appropriate phytosanitary certification will be permitted entry into Australia without the requirement for post entry quarantine. All material is subject to on arrival inspection to verify freedom from live insects.

  • Imports of grafted cacti imported under a non-systems pathway from Korea or any other country will require post-entry quarantine growth. The conditions for non-systems plant material have not changed.

What does this mean for my imports?

1. Material imported under previous import permit conditions will be required to complete the period of quarantine as per their existing conditions. These conditions are not retrospective for consignments that are already in quarantine.

2. Existing import permit holders for grafted Korean cacti will be contacted by the department to discuss if a permit variation is required.

Further information

Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: