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Chrysoporthe hosts for use as nursery stock

Effective from 8 November 2018

As a result of a review of the import conditions of hosts of the plant pathogen Chrysoporthe spp., this new BICON case was developed to manage the host genera of Chrysoporthe spp. for use as nursery stock.

Nursery stock, other than tissue culture, of the genera Angophora, Corymbia, Dissotis, Eucalyptus, Eugenia, Lagerstroemia, Marlierea, Melastoma, Psidium, Syzygium and Tibouchina now require a minimum of 12 months post entry quarantine growth in the government post-entry quarantine facility at Mickleham, Victoria, with additional testing for Chrysoporthe spp.

Import conditions for tissue cultures of the listed genera do not include any additional measures.

Eugenia spp., Marlierea spp., Psidium spp. and Syzygium spp. have been moved from the ‘Guava rust hosts for use as nursery stock’ BICON case into the new ‘Chrysoporthe hosts for use as nursery stock’ BICON case. The ‘Eucalypt species for use as nursery stock’ BICON case will be removed from BICON and all genera covered by this case - Angophora spp., Corymbia spp. and Eucalyptus spp. - have been moved into the new ‘Chrysoporthe hosts for use as nursery stock’ BICON case. The previously suspended genera - Dissotis, Lagerstroemia, Melastoma and Tibouchina - have been unsuspended and permitted for import under the conditions of the new ‘Chrysoporthe hosts for use as nursery stock’ BICON case.

This Change applies to the following Cases: