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Hemp seed and hemp products

Effective from 20 June 2019

Hemp seed that has had the hulls and husks removed (hulled or de-hulled) is now considered to be processed hemp seed. It can therefore be imported under the processed pathway and does not require an import permit. It is instead subject to an unpack inspection by biosecurity staff to verify that goods are free of whole, unhulled seed (with hulls and husks intact) and other biosecurity risk material. A permit will continue to be required for unhulled hemp seed (with hulls and husks intact).

Who does this change affect?
This notice is of interest to clients, brokers and agents who are currently or are looking to import products containing hemp seed for human consumption either in a processed form or to be processed e.g. de-hulled (having hulls and husks removed).

As removing the hull from hemp seeds is now recognized as a sufficient processing method to render hemp seed non-viable, a change has occurred to remove ‘hulled’ (i.e. without hull) from the definition of unprocessed seed, and subsequently add de-hulling as an approved processing method.

Import Permits:
Clients with relevant existing permits for hemp seed will either have their permits revoked or varied depending upon the combination of products on the permit. The department will notify impacted clients. Changes to permits will occur by the end of June 2019.

Further information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email .

This Change applies to the following Cases: