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Bromeliads for use as nursery stock

Effective from 23 December 2020

Following a review of species listings in BICON, the following species have been removed from the BICON case ‘Bromeliads for use as nursery stock’ and included in the BICON case ‘Ananas comosus for use as nursery stock':

  • Acanthostachys ananassoides
  • Ananas ananas
  • Ananas ananassoides
  • Ananas bracteatus
  • Ananas lucidus
  • Ananas microstachys
  • Ananas monstrosus
  • Ananas nanus
  • Ananas parguazensis
  • Ananas sativus
  • Ananassa bracteata

No other changes have been made to import conditions for ‘Bromeliads for use as nursery stock’ or ‘Ananas comosus for use as nursery stock’.

Import permits that list these species will be varied where applicable. Affected permit holders will be advised directly prior to permit amendment.

The species listed above are synonyms of Ananas comosus and are therefore subject to import conditions for Ananas comosus. This includes mandatory post entry quarantine for tissue cultures at either an Australian Government post-entry quarantine facility, or at a class 5.14 or 6.1 approved arrangement site for a minimum of 3 months.

This applies to imports from all countries.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of ‘Bromeliads for use as nursery stock’ and ‘Ananas comosus for use as nursery stock’, customs brokers and departmental staff.

Further information:
Contact Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: