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Minor changes to Microalgae import conditions

Effective from 9 July 2021

Import conditions for the standard import permit for fully finished retail packaged microalgae capsules and tablets, have been updated to remove the requirement for the microalgae to have been moist heat treated to a core temperature of a minimum of 100°C for at least 30 minutes.

The requirement for goods to be in capsule or tablet form has been removed and replaced with a volume restriction.

The goods can be imported in any form (e.g. capsules, tablets, powder) but must be fully finished and retail packaged for direct sale in individual units of no greater than 1kg.

Further minor changes, relating to the formatting and phrasing of conditions have been made.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of microalgae for human consumption, human therapeutic and human cosmetic use.

Further information:
Please contact the Animal and Biological Imports Branch on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: