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Bulk grain for processing

Effective from 17 February 2019

The department has made the following changes to the whole grain for stockfeed and milling case:

  • A new case title and description

  • Link to a new permit application form for bulk grain for processing

  • A note reminding applicants that a Process Management System document must be approved by the department during the permit assessment.

Who does this notice affect:

Importers of bulk grain for processing in Australia


Bulk grain imports pose a high biosecurity risk to both plants and animals because it is not usually subject to any form of processing offshore (other than harvest and grading), and unrestricted importation would present a direct pathway for pest transmission to susceptible crops, animals and agricultural production areas in Australia. The department assesses all applications to import grain on a case-by-case basis and will impose appropriate conditions to ensure that biosecurity risks are managed to an acceptably low level. For additional information, refer to the bulk grain information page on the department's website .

Further information:

Please contact Plant Import Operations Branch on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: