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Truffles for human consumption

Effective from 18 December 2020

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) has incorporated dried permitted mushrooms and truffles imported from all countries onto the Compliance-Based Intervention Scheme (CBIS). Note: Restricted medicinal mushrooms are ineligible for CBIS.

In order to support this change, you will be required to lodge consignments with the following AQIS Commodity Codes (ACCs):

  • Dried permitted mushrooms: MUSH
  • Dried permitted truffles: TRUF

Who does this notice affect:
Importers and brokers of dried permitted mushrooms and truffles, Assessment Services Group and Inspections Group.

What do I need to do?
Importers and brokers should continue to lodge documentation to the department as per their current practice (via COLS). When a consignment is lodged in the Integrated Cargo System (ICS) under the tariff code for dried permitted mushrooms and truffles (0712.31.00, 0712.32.00, 0712.33.00 or 0712.39.00), you will be required to enter the relevant ACC, which must be entered in order to become eligible for the CBIS. Consignments lodged without the required ACC will be ineligible for any benefits under the CBIS program.

Further Information:
More information on CBIS, including the risk-based intervention rates and required ACCs can be found on the department's CBIS webpage [].

For further information, please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or via email at (Tier 2- CBIS).

This Change applies to the following Cases: