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Changes to the import conditions for eggshells and eggshell ornaments imported for display purposes

Effective from 25 November 2021

The department has made changes to the import conditions for eggshells and eggshell ornaments imported for display purposes.

The following conditions have been changed to align with legislation:

  • Imported for personal use:
    The eggshell ornaments must be clean and free of adhering organic material.
  • Imported for commercial use:
    If documentation is not able to be provided or is insufficient the option for the goods to be inspected has been added.

Goods found to have adhering biosecurity risk material must be treated on arrival, or exported, or disposed of.

Who does this affect:
Importers of eggshells and eggshell ornaments, Pathway Operations Cargo – Assessment and Inspections, Client Contact Group.

Further information:
Biosecurity Imports Program on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: