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Sphagnum moss

Effective from 5 February 2021

The purpose of this notification is to advise of amendments to the import conditions for sphagnum moss. Changes are in effect immediately and are described below.

The following changes have been made:

  • Updated wording in the BICON case to state that the on-arrival inspection is to verify the dried state of the goods.
  • Additional import condition for sphagnum liquid waste absorbent to state that the consignment will be directed for heat treatment or gamma irradiation if the goods are found to not be dried.
  • Removal of methyl bromide fumigation as an acceptable treatment option for all pathways with the exception of sphagnum moss from New Zealand.

Please note, import conditions will remain the same for all consignments processed prior to these changes taking effect.

Who does this notice affect:

Importers of sphagnum moss, customs brokers, third-party providers for required treatments, Assessment Services Group and Inspections Group.

Further information:

For further information please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or

This Change applies to the following Cases: