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Fish viscera and fish oil for human consumption

Effective from 19 November 2021

The department has made changes to the import conditions for fish oil:

  • The wording in the two pathways for fish oil has been changed to clarify packaging volumes:

    - Fish oil packaged in volumes of no greater than 25kg or 25L

    - Fish oil packaged in volumes of greater than 25kg or 25L.

  • For fish oil imported in packaged volumes of no greater than 25kg or 25L.

Reference to Section 16 of the Biosecurity (Conditionally Non prohibited Goods) Determination 2021 (determination) has been removed.

Goods listed in the table in Section 16 of the determination must meet their specific import conditions. To find the import conditions for those goods you must search BICON for each individual ingredient to determine the conditions that apply.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of fish oil, Assessing officers, Pathway Operations Cargo – Assessment and Inspections, Client Contact Group.

Further information:
If you require any further information or have questions about these changes, please contact the Food Biosecurity Imports team on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: