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Plant species requiring further assessment

Effective from 23 December 2020

The following species have been removed from the BICON case ‘Plant species requiring further assessment’ following a review of species listings in BICON:

  • Agastache barberi
  • Acacia lasiocarpa
  • Acacia lophantha
  • Acacia mollis
  • Babiana adpressa
  • Carpinus virginiana
  • Cimicifuga foetida
  • Cordia retusa
  • Euphorbia hirta
  • Geranium regellii
  • Helichrysum humile
  • Ostrya virginiana

No other changes have been made to import conditions for 'Plant species requiring further assessment'.

The species listed above were removed from the BICON case ‘Plant species requiring further assessment’ as the department has assessed that they pose a low weed risk or are already present in Australia and not under official control. As a result, these species may be permitted entry into Australian territory subject to the conditions under the applicable BICON cases.

The Weed Risk Assessment system is a science-based quarantine risk analysis tool for determining the weed potential of a plant. All plants proposed for importation into Australia and not currently permitted on BICON are assessed for their potential to become weeds in Australia. Further information on the Weed Risk Assessment system is available on the department’s website.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of nursery stock and seed for sowing, customs brokers and departmental staff.

Further information:
Contact Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: