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Fresh pomelo, tangelo and tangor for human consumption

Effective from 1 June 2020

The department has updated additional declaration requirements for citrus from Israel for the purposes of aligning documentary requirements with other fresh produce commodities imported from other countries. The changes will also assist with efficient clearance of compliant consignments on arrival.

All permitted citrus from Israel will be required to have the following statement: “The fruit in this consignment have been produced in Israel in accordance with the conditions governing entry of fresh citrus fruit to Australia”.

All permitted citrus from Israel using in-transit cold treatment will be required to have the following additional declaration: “Subject to in-transit cold treatment

Who does this notice affect:

This notice affects importers of fresh citrus fruits from Israel, brokers and Assessment Services Group.

Further Information:

For additional information you can email Plant Import Operations Branch at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: