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Drosophila spp. for use in post entry quarantine

Effective from 22 April 2017

Changes to import conditions for Drosophila spp. for use in post entry quarantine

This notice provides clients of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) notification of changes to import conditions for Drosophila spp. for use in post entry quarantine.

What is the change?

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has made changes to the import conditions for Drosophila spp. for use in post entry quarantine. These changes are to further clarify the import conditions for Drosophila spp. in regards to genetic modification and if the Drosophila spp. can be released from Biosecurity control.

What does this mean for imports?

Importers will require a supplier’s declaration when importing genetically modified Drosophila spp.

For species of Drosophila spp. other than Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila suzukii, an additional assessment will be conducted by Plant Import Operations to determine if the species can be released from Biosecurity control.

Import permits will be varied by the end of May 2017 to reflect this change.

Further information

Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: