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Revised inspection requirements for rural consignments of new horse floats

Effective from 10 March 2021

The department has revised the inspection requirements for new horse floats imported to rural areas.

Rural consignments of new horse floats are subject to a rural tailgate inspection, in lieu of a full unpack inspection. These changes have been in effect since 17 December 2020, as per Industry Advice Notice 222-2020: Interim inspection requirements for rural consignments of new horse floats

Following this review, the import conditions and onshore outcomes have now been updated to clarify the following:

  1. Rural consignments of new horse floats are subject to a rural tailgate inspection.
    Rural consignments will be directed for a full unpack inspection at a metropolitan approved arrangement site if:
    1.1. The goods are not accompanied by acceptable documentation stating that the goods are new and unused.
    1.2. The biosecurity officer identifies biosecurity concerns during the rural tailgate inspection.
    1.3. The biosecurity officer cannot perform the rural tailgate inspection adequately due to accessibility.
  2. Metropolitan consignments of new horse floats may be referred to the department for document assessment and verification inspection at the discretion of the biosecurity officer.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers and customs brokers who import new horse floats, Assessment Services Group and Inspections Group.

Further information:
Please contact Sea Cargo on 1800 900 090 or email (Attention: Sea Cargo).

This Change applies to the following Cases: