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Coir peat

Effective from 1 September 2020

The purpose of this notification is to advise of upcoming amendments to the import conditions for consignments comprising of combinations of peat and/or coir peat and/or restricted additives. The amended requirements are expected to be live on 31st August 2020.

The department has recently commenced changes as a result of the import condition review and to better fulfil operational requirements. As a result, the following changes will be made:

Changes to import conditions for consignment’s comprising of combinations of peat and/or coir peat and/or restricted additives:

  • Structural changes to increase consistency and readability of import conditions, these changes will only be displayed within import permits.

  • Onshore outcomes have been changed to require a partial unpack inspection at a class 1.1, 1.3, 2.2 or 2.4 approved arrangement site. This will replace the current inspection requirement of a tailgate.

Changes to import conditions for consignments comprising of peat and restricted additives only:

  • Introduction of additional treatment, export, or disposal outcomes if:

    - documentary evidence that the peat was excavated from depth rather than from the first two metres of the earth's surface cannot be provided; or

    - biosecurity risk material - overburden (obvious soil contamination and/or fresh plant material) or restricted/ unidentified whole seeds - are detected during inspection.

Who does this alert affect:

Importers of products comprising of peat and/or coir peat and/or restricted additives for use in the horticulture industry as a growth medium, mulch or fertiliser. Department biosecurity officers in Assessment Services Group and Inspections Group.

Further Information:

Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: