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Celery seed for human consumption

Effective from 1 December 2021

As notified on 19 November 2021 new import conditions have been applied to celery seeds for human consumption with the following changes:

  • Moist heat treatment, gamma irradiation or germination testing will be removed from the import requirements for celery seeds for human consumption.
  • ISTA purity testing (onshore or offshore) will be resumed to address the contamination risk of imported celery seed consignments.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers and brokers of celery seeds for human consumption and departmental staff.

Significant new scientific research has become available that demonstrates that seed transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum does not occur in celery seed.

As a result, the department no longer requires celery seeds imported for human consumption to be devitalised to achieve Australia’s appropriate level of protection.

Further information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email (please title the subject line of the email ‘Plant Tier 2 - Celery seed for HC import conditions’).

This Change applies to the following Cases: