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Rutaceae seed for sowing requiring treatment and/or testing

Effective from 18 July 2020

Hot water treatment is no longer available as a treatment option for full container load (FCL) consignments of Rutaceae seed for sowing imported for on-arrival treatment in Australian territory.

The department is aware of limitations in existing approved arrangement (AA) sites which prevent FCLs from being hot water treated on-arrival. As such, this treatment option is no longer available in BICON for this import scenario.

  • FCL consignments that are not treated prior to export will be exported or disposed.

  • Hot water treatment is still available as a treatment option for seed imported as non-FCL consignments.

This amendment is necessary to allow the department to better manage consignments that are destined for hot water treatment on-arrival in Australian territory, and minimise the risk of consignments being imported that cannot be logistically managed.


Candidatus Liberibacter species are pathogens of biosecurity concern to Australia. In Rutaceous hosts imported as seed for sowing, the risk of these pathogens entering Australia are managed by:

  • hot water treatment, or

  • growth and testing at an Australian Government post-entry quarantine screening.

Where hot water treatment is conducted, this treatment can be completed either prior to export or at an approved arrangement (AA) site on-arrival in Australian territory.

Importers are reminded that there are limited facilities available in Australia to perform hot water treatment in Australia. Importers are responsible for:

  • contacting relevant sites to confirm all arrangements prior to importation, including the site’s availability to treat the quantity of seed within the consignment.

  • all fees and charges associated with treatment.

Import Permits:

Import permits will be not be varied, as the department will continue to work with individual permit applicants to determine treatment plans prior to permit issuance.

Who does this notice affect:

Importers (and their brokers) of Rutaceae seed for sowing.

Further information:

Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or by email at

This Change applies to the following Cases: