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Imports of in vivo produced bovine embryos from Canada

Effective from 24 December 2021

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment updated the import conditions by amending clause seven of the veterinary health certificate for in vivo produced bovine embryos from Canada in August 2021.

The amendment was to allow for the use of Canadian export eligible semen, Canadian domestic use semen and Canadian owner use semen that meets all import conditions to be used in the production of in vivo produced bovine embryos.

This amendment has now been extended to apply to imports of in vivo produced bovine embryos from Canada until the policy for this commodity has been reviewed and finalised, or until further advice is provided by the department.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of bovine embryos, Veterinary and Export Meat Group.

Further information:
Please contact Horses, Livestock and Birds at or by phone on 1800 900 090 (Prompt 1, then Prompt 1, and ask for the Horses, Livestock and Birds section).

This Change applies to the following Cases: