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Ribes spp. seed for sowing

Effective from 23 October 2019


The department has reviewed conditions within the ‘Ribes spp. seed for sowing’ case, and have amended import conditions to provide greater flexibility for importers.

The revised conditions outline that the mandatory sodium hypochlorite treatment of Ribes seed can now be completed prior to export or on arrival in Australia. Where treatment is conducted prior to export, the importer must provide evidence of treatment on a phytosanitary certificate.

Who does this notice effect

Importers of Ribes spp. seed for sowing, and Department of Agriculture staff.

Import permits

Permits will not be varied to reflect these changes. If you currently hold a permit for Ribes spp. seed for sowing and would like these changes reflected on your permit, please contact the department for further information.

Further information

For further information, please contact Plant Import Operations at or on 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: