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Changes to the BICON case for empty seashells (excluding oyster shells)

Effective from 12 June 2021

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment has revised the import conditions for empty seashells (excluding oyster shells) to better assess these goods and to ensure biosecurity risks have been managed appropriately.

Importers of empty seashells will now have the option to either:

  1. provide documentation demonstrating the goods are not oyster shells and that the seashells are non-viable and clean and free other animal or plant material and soil, or
  2. have the goods inspected to ensure they comply with import conditions.

Who does this notice affect:
All importers of empty seashells, Assessment Services Group, Client Contact Group.

Further information:
Please contact the Animal and Biological Imports Branch on 1800 900 090 or email .

This Change applies to the following Cases: