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Bulbs to be grown in open quarantine for use as nursery stock

Effective from 15 July 2020

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) has completed an operational review of the import conditions for bulbs imported for growth in open quarantine. The review recommended numerous improvements to the BICON cases for bulbs to ensure that conditions remain current, easy to understand and fit-for-purpose.

The following changes have been made to import conditions:

1. Documentation for certified bulbs

  • Documentary requirements have been updated for the Naktuinbouw (NAKT) and Bloembollenkeuringsdienst (BKD) supplier’s documents in response to revised documentation issued in the Netherlands.

  • Certified bulbs must be listed in either the NAKT or BKD supplier’s documents or the phytosanitary certificate.

2. Treatments

  • Hot water treatment options to manage the risk of Narcissus fly will no longer be available in BICON and require a case-by-case assessment by the department.

3. Peat packaging

  • Conditions for bulbs imported with peat packaging are no longer available in BICON. Conditions that allow for the import of bulbs in peat must be requested by importers via the permit application process and will be applied to permits where required.

  • Measures to manage foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) risks now apply for bulbs imported with peat from an FMD country regardless of the total weight of the peat within the consignment.

4. Fumigation before on-arrival inspection

  • Import conditions allowing fumigation treatment for bulbs prior to on-arrival departmental inspection are available to importers. Conditions allowing this will not be visible in BICON, but will be included in import permits on request by importers via the permit application process.

Who does this alert affect:

Importers of bulbs for use as nursery stock, brokers, Assessment and Client Contact Group, and Inspections Group.

Import permits:

The department will re-issue (vary) permits in July 2020 to reflect the changes outlined under points 1 – 3, at no cost.

Further information:

Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: