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Mentha spp. for use as nursery stock

Effective from 20 September 2019

Following a review of import conditions, the department has revised the hot water treatment requirements for Mentha spp. for use as nursery stock.

Hot water treatment at 48 °C for 30 minutes is no longer required, as the existing import requirement for post-entry quarantine growth is sufficient to address the disease risks associated with the pathway.

Consignments of non-tissue cultured Mentha spp. that is sourced from a high-risk Xylella fastidiosa country are still required to undergo hot water treatment (50 °C for 45 minutes) at an approved arrangement site to manage the risks of Xylella fastidiosa, prior to disease screening at a post-entry quarantine facility. Alternatively, material must be grown and tested for the presence of Xylella fastidiosa at the Australian government post-entry quarantine facility, prior to release from biosecurity control.

Who does this notice affect:

Importers of Mentha spp. nursery stock, including current import permit holders, brokers and Department of Agriculture staff.

Import permits:

Existing active import permits will be varied by the department by the end of September 2019, at no charge.


Our department has conducted operational reviews of plant, animal and biological import conditions to protect Australia’s biosecurity status and to maintain our market access for agricultural products. The review of import conditions for seeds for sowing were part of strengthening biosecurity surveillance and analysis under the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper.

Further information:

Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: