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Semi-processed fruit and vegetables for human consumption

Effective from 21 January 2022

The department no longer requires a list of approved processing facilities to be published on BICON for semi-processed pomelo pulp exported from Thailand from registered processing facilities. Importers will no longer be required to wait for the department to update the list on BICON and can export from processing facilities if they are registered with the Thailand Government’s Department of Agriculture. The chilled pomelo pulp exported from Thailand from a registered facility BICON case will be updated to reflect this administrative change.
Please note that pomelo pulp from a non-registered processing facility must still undergo cold disinfestation treatment at 1.7 °C for a minimum of 14 consecutive days.

Who does this notice affect:
This notice affects importers of chilled pomelo pulp grown in Thailand, brokers and Cargo Operations Group - Assessment and Inspection.

Further information:
For additional information you can email Plant Import Operations Branch at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: