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Bee products

Effective from 1 July 2019

The department has finalised a review of Bee pollen. As a result of the review the following changes have been made:

The ‘bee pollen or powder’ pathway in the BICON commodity case Bee Products has been split into two pathways:

  1. Bee pollen – gamma irradiation required (either onshore or offshore at an approved facility), includes capsules, tablets, powder, granules.

  2. Bee pollen – heat treated and retail packaged, capsules and tablets only.

An import permit is still required. Importers with goods that cannot meet the import requirements in one of the above pathways should apply for a permit in the ‘Other’ pathway.

The import conditions no longer allow for Phytosanitary certificates attesting to gamma irradiation. For goods that have been gamma irradiated offshore, only a gamma irradiation certificate from an approved offshore facility will be accepted. There are no changes to import conditions for pollen that will be gamma irradiated onshore.

Who does this notice affect:

This change notice applies to importers of Bee pollen (for all uses other than animal consumption, bioremedial or fertiliser use or for growing purposes), Assessment Services Group and Inspection Services Group.

Further information:

Please contact the Import Conditions Review on 1800 900 090 (prompt 1, then prompt 1, and ask for the ABIB ICR section) or email:

This Change applies to the following Cases: