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Fresh oranges for human consumption

Effective from 24 August 2020

The department recently completed a review of cold treatment schedules, used as risk management measures against Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly) for fresh fruit imported into Australia. As a result of the review the required cold treatment schedules will be updated and will offer use of higher temperature range which provides flexibility for exporters.

From 24 August 2020, sweet oranges exported from Italy must undergo cold treatment with fruit pulp temperature at or below:

  1. 1.11°C for not less than 14 consecutive days.

  2. 1.67°C for not less than 16 consecutive days.

  3. 2.22°C for not less than 18 consecutive days.

  4. 3.00°C for not less than 20 consecutive days.

Sweet oranges exported from Italy, certified from 24 August 2020, must meet the updated Cold Treatment schedule outlined in BICON.

Who does this notice effect:

Brokers, importers of sweet oranges from Italy, Inspections Group and Assessment Services Group.

Further Information:

For additional information you can email Plant Import Operations Branch at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: