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Refinement of import conditions and BICON case structure for Dried willow articles

Effective from 1 October 2021

Import conditions previously found in the ‘Dried willow and wicker articles’ BICON case have been reviewed and the following refinements have been made:

  • The BICON case name ‘Dried willow and wicker articles’ has changed to ‘Dried willow articles’. The term ‘wicker’ was removed because ‘wicker’ is a process of manufacture that is not unique to willow goods.
  • Dried willow articles containing bark are now permitted to be treated offshore to mitigate biosecurity risk. This change aligns the offshore treatment options to other types of goods found in similar cases. If importers choose this option, evidence of one of the following treatments will need to be provided on a Phytosanitary Certificate:
    - heat treatment to a core temperature of at least 85 °C for a minimum of 8 hours, or
    - gamma irradiation at 25 kGy (2.5 Mrad), or
    - ethylene oxide fumigation at 1200 g/m³ for 5 hours at 50ºC, or
    - ethylene oxide fumigation at or 1500 g/m³ for 24 hours at 21ºC.
  • In line with the principle of addressing biosecurity risk offshore where possible, the case structure has been aligned with other BICON cases for similar goods to show offshore treatment-related import conditions only. This does not represent a change to import conditions. Onshore treatment requirements are still available for dried willow articles (with or without bark) that arrive without pre-shipment treatment. Details of onshore treatment options can be accessed in the case in the ‘Onshore Outcomes’ section that is displayed when all offshore requirements have not been met.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers and brokers of dried willow articles and Pathway Operations Cargo – Assessment and/or Inspections.

Feedback received by Plant Import Operations from internal and external stakeholders highlighted the need for a consistent approach to goods of this type.

Further Information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations Branch on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: