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Systems approach: M. fructigena, G. yamadae, D. mali and P. arbutifolia

Effective 1 July 2022

Systems approach for the management of apple brown rots (Monilinia fructigena), Japanese apple rust (Gymnosporangium yamadae), Marssonina blotch (Diplocarpon mali) and apple blotch (Phyllosticta arbutifolia)

The Chinese National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) has primary responsibility for coordinating and supervising the systems approach to manage the above listed pathogens.

Key components of the systems approach are:

  1. Orchard management before and during winter. Includes monitoring and removal of cankers and fruit mummies and preventative spraying.
  2. Systematic and scheduled orchard monitoring during the growing season.
  3. Chemical control measures to the whole orchard block where pathogens are detected or removal of the orchard block.
  4. During harvest, fruit will be checked for symptoms. Fruit found infected with any of these pathogens will be removed.
  5. Phytosanitary export inspection with withdrawal from export if pathogens are detected.

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry will conduct phytosanitary fruit inspection on arrival. If any of the listed pathogens are detected, the consignment will be rejected. The Chinese NPPO is required to arrange for trace back to identify the source orchard and the source orchard must be excluded from export to Australia for that season or the remainder of the season.