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Information: Systems approach for managing quarantine pests of Malaysian semi-processed jackfruit

Effective 1 July 2022

Malaysia’s National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) has primary responsibility for ensuring that production sites and packing houses/processing facilities implement the systems approach effectively.

Components of the systems approach are:

  1. Registration of jackfruit farms and packing houses/processing facilities for export to Australia. Registration must be supported by training. Malaysia’s NPPO, or personnel approved by Malaysia’s NPPO, will conduct training at the beginning of each growing season for growers, sorting supervisors and packing house officials. Training includes awareness of Australia’s quarantine pests and requirements under the 'Systems Approach – Operational Work Plan for the exportation of Malaysian Jackfruit'.
  2. Required orchard activities include: surveillance, orchard hygiene, preventative measures, monitoring and control. Jackfruit must be enclosed in insect-proof bags on the tree no later than 90 days after flowering.
  3. Required packing house/processing facility activities:

    3.1. Fruit must be inspected on arrival and infested or damaged fruit are removed.

    3.2. Whole fruit must be air-brushed and washed with disinfectant, and fungicide (if required), prior to removal of the segments.

    3.3. Any segments showing signs of rotting or bruising of the pulp must be discarded.

    3.4. Any tools or gloves used to cut or handle fruit that shows disease symptoms must be immediately discarded or removed for washing/decontamination.

    3.5. All waste from the processing of the jackfruit, including the peel, seeds and damaged segments, should be discarded in secure bins and disposed of away from the facility each day at the end of processing plant operations.

    3.6. After skin removal and segmentation, but prior to packaging, all jackfruit segments must be inspected by processing facility personnel for jackfruit borer, carambola fruit fly, oriental fruit fly, Artocarpus fruit fly, melon fly and fruit bronzing. Segments showing any signs of infestation or disease must be discarded.

    3.7. Packages of jackfruit segments must be vacuum packed and sealed in clear, transparent packages that allow visual inspection of individual segments without opening the sealed container. Any labels or stickers attached to individual packages must not impede a clear view of the top, sides and bottom of individual segments.
  4. Pre-export phytosanitary inspection and, if found, remedial action. Remedial action (by the Malaysian NPPO) will involve withdrawing the consignment from export to Australia and investigating the cause of the detection. Detections of the quarantine pests listed above will result in suspension of the pathway. Re-instatement of trade would only commence after investigation and corrective action by the exporting NPPO, and agreement by the Department. Ongoing non-compliance would also trigger a review of import policy.