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Information: State/Territory legislation for stockfeed, fishmeal products and stockfeed ingredients

Effective 8 October 2021

State or territory

Name of legislation

Legislative content

New South Wales

Biosecurity Act 2015

Biosecurity Regulation 2017

Labelling and RAM content

Feeding Prohibition


Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 (Vic.)

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1992 (Vic.)

Associated Regulations and Orders

Feeding Prohibition



Biosecurity Act 2014 (Qld)

Biosecurity Regulation 2016 (Qld)

Prohibitions on feeding or supplying RAM

RAM statements

South Australia

Livestock Act 1997 (SA)

Livestock Regulations 1998 (SA)

Labelling and Standards; feeding prohibition

Labelling and Standards; feeding prohibition

Western Australia

Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (WA)

Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Agriculture Standards) Regulations 2013 (WA)

Labelling and feeding prohibition standards


Animal Health Act 1995 (Tas.)

Animal Health Regulations 2006 (Tas.)

Labelling and feeding prohibition

Australian Capital Territory

Animal Diseases Act 2005 (ACT)

Labelling and feeding prohibition

Northern Territory

Livestock Regulations 1 September 2009 (NT)

Labelling and feeding prohibition