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Table 1 - restricted dried herb species (permit and mandatory treatment required)

Effective 14 October 2015 to 28 January 2016

The following species are permitted with an import permit and mandatory treatment


Permitted Dried Plant Material

Acmena spp.

Herb, flower

Aegilops spp.

Root, rhizome

Amelanchier spp.

Herb, root

Aphananthe spp.


Araucaria spp.


Aronia spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Aruncus spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Asclepias curassavica

Herb, stem, flower, root

Atalantia buxifolia

Herb, stem, twig, root, flower

Atalantia spp.

Herb, stem, twig, root, flower

Avena sativa

Herb, panicle

Berberis spp.

Stem, root

Callistemon spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Campomanesia spp.

Herb, flower

Casimiroa spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Castanea spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Castanopsis spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Cecropia peltata

Herb, leaf, flower

Celtis spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Chaenomeles spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Chamaecyparis spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Citrus spp.


Citropsis spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Clausena spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Coffea spp.

Herb, leaf, twig, flower

Coix lacryma-jobi


Cotoneaster spp.

Herb, leaf, flower, root

Crataegus spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Cunninghamia lanceolata


Cupressocyparis spp.

Herb, leaf, flower, root

Cupressus spp.

Herb, leaf, flower, root

Cydonia spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Dichotomanthes spp.

Herb, leaf, flower, root

Docynia spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Eleiosina spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Eremocitrus spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Eriobotrya spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Eucalyptus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Eugenia spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Euodia spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Exochorda spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Feronia limonia

Herb, leaf, flower

Feronia spp. (excluding Feronia limonia)

Leaf, stem, twigs, flower

Feroniella spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Filipendula spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Fortunella crassifolia

Leaf, herb, flower, peel

Fortunella hindsii

Leaf, herb, flower, peel

Fortunella lindsii


Fortunella magarita

Leaf, herb, flower, peel

Fragaria spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Gillenia spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Helianthus annuus

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Heliconia spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Hesperethusa spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Heteromeles spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Hevea spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Holodiscus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Humulus lupulus

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Hordeum vulgare


Imperata arundinacea (Syn. Imperata cylindrica)

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Ipomoea spp.

Herb, root

Juglans spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Juniperus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Kerria japonica


Larix spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Limonia spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Mahoberberis spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Mahonia spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Malus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Manihot esculenta

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Marlierea spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Medicago spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Melaleuca spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Melicope triphylla

Herb, leaf, flower

Mespilus spp.

Leaf, stem, twigs, floral parts

Microcitrus spp.

Leaf, stem, twigs, floral parts

Monanthocitrus spp.

Leaf, stem, twigs, floral parts

Myrcia spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Myrciaria spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Naringi alata

Leaf, twig, inflorescence

Olea europaea

Herb, twig, flower, root

Oryza spp.

Leaf, stem, inflorescence, root, grain sprout

Osteomeles spp.

Leaf, stem, inflorescence

Paivaea spp.

Leaf, stem, inflorescence

Paramignya spp.

Leaf, stem, inflorescence

Passiflora spp.

Herb, leaf, stem, flower

Paulownia fortunei

Leaf, stem, flower, inflorescence

Paulownia tomentosa

Leaf, stem, root, inflorescence

Pennisetum americanum

Leaf, stem, flower, root

Peraphyllum spp.

Leaf, stem, inflorescence

Persea spp.

Herb, leaf, flower root

Photinia spp.

Leaf, stem, inflorescence

Physalis alkekengi


Physalis minima

Herb, root, flower

Physalis peruviana

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Physalis pubescens

Herb, root, flower

Physocarpus spp.

Herb, root, flower

Picea spp.

Herb, leaf, cone

Pimenta spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Pinus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Piper auritum

Herb, leaf, flower, root

Piper peltatum

Herb, leaf, flower, root

Planera spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Platycladus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Poncirus spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Poncirus trifoliata


Populus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Porteranthus spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla anserina

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla bifurca

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla chinensis


Potentilla discolor


Potentilla erecta

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Potentilla fragarioides

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla freyniana

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla fruticosa

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla fulgens

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla griffithii

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla leuconota

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla reptans

Herb, leaf, flower

Potentilla spp.


Prunus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Pseudotsuga spp.

Leaf, stem, flower

Psidium spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Pyracantha spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Pyrus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Quercus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Rhaphiolepis spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Rhodotypos spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Ribes spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Ricinus communis

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Rubus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Saccharum officinarum

Herb, leaf, stem, flower, root

Secale cereale

Leaf, stem, flower

Sibiraea spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Solanum hirtum

Herb, leaf, root

Solanum muricatum

Herb, leaf, root

Solanum nigrum

Herb, leaf, root

Solanum tuberosum

Herb, leaf, root

Solanum torvum

Herb, leaf, root

Solanum umbellatum

Herb, leaf, root

Solanum verbascifolium

Herb, leaf, root

Sorbaria spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Sorbus spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Sorghum spp.

Herb, leaf, flower, root

Spiraea spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Stephanandra spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Stranvaesia spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Swinglea spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Syzygium spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Taxus spp.


Tetradium spp.

Herb, leaf, flower

Thuja spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Toddalia spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Saccharum officinarum

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Vaccinium spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Xanthosoma roseum

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Xanthoxylum spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Zea mays

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Zelkova spp.

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark