List: High-risk species
Effective 7 October 2021 to 10 October 2023Non-salmonid finfish sourced from all countries other than New Zealand:
The product may only be imported head-off, de-gilled and eviscerated (gutted).
All species of farmed finfish (fish that are grown and harvested in an aquaculture system) |
All species in the Family Aulorhynchidae |
All species in the Family Embiotocidae |
All species in the Family Gadidae |
All species in the Family Gasterosteidae |
All species in the Family Lotidae |
All species in the Family Osmeridae |
All species in the Family Pleuronectidae |
All species in the Family Scophthalmidae |
Alosa spp. |
Ambloplites spp. |
Ameiurus spp. |
Ammodytes spp. |
Anarhichas spp. |
Anguilla spp. |
Anoplopoma spp. |
Apolodinotus spp. |
Argentina spp. |
Belone spp. |
Brevoortia spp. |
Centrolabrus spp. |
Clupea spp. (includes herring and sprat; Sprattus spp. is synonymous with Clupea spp.; excludes Sardinella spp.) |
Ctenolabrus spp. |
Cyclopterus spp. |
Dicentrachus spp. |
Dorosoma spp. |
Engraulis spp. |
Esox spp. |
Eutrigla spp. |
Fundulus spp. |
Ictalurus spp. |
Labrus spp. |
Lampetra spp. |
Lepomis spp. |
Merluccius spp. |
Micropterus spp. |
Morone spp. |
Moxostoma spp. |
Mullus spp. |
Neogobius spp. |
Notropis spp. |
Paralichthys spp. |
Perca spp. |
Percopsis spp. |
Pimephales spp. |
Pomatoschistus spp. |
Pomoxis spp. |
Sander spp. |
Sardina spp. |
Sardinops spp. |
Scomber spp. |
Scorpaena spp. |
Sebastes spp. |
Solea spp. |
Sparus spp. |
Stizostedion spp. |
Symphodus spp. |
Trachurus spp. |
Trichiurus spp. |
Note: Wild caught finfish species listed on the high–risk species list must be imported head–off, de–gilled and eviscerated. All species of farmed finfish (fish that are grown and harvested in an aquaculture system) are considered high–risk and may only be imported head–off, de–gilled and eviscerated.