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Description of rice varieties

Effective 14 July 2015 to 11 January 2019

Oryza spp.

Paddy rice: Grain with germ and outer hull (husk) still intact and hence the grain may germinate.

Brown rice: Is defined as the whole natural grain of the rice before it has been processed. Brown rice has had the outer hull removed, but the pericarp, testa and germ are still intact. Brown rice is capable of germination.

Note: The term brown rice applies to all rice grains that have the pericarp, testa and germ still intact, this includes black (or forbidden rice), red, purple and other coloured rice grains.

Black glutinous rice: Grain with outer hull removed. The grain is milled to remove most of the germ rendering the grain incapable of germination.

Red rice: Grain with outer hull removed. The grain is milled to remove most of the germ rendering the grain incapable of germination. The grain is not polished enough to remove all colouring, leaving red traces, hence the name 'red rice'.

Note: The term 'red rice' should not be confused with the naturally red pigment of dehusked unmilled Red rice (Oryza rufipogon, O. fatua, O. fatua var. rufipogon, O. meridionalis, O. sativa var. rufipogon). The grain may germinate.

White milled or polished rice: Grain with outer hull removed. The grain is milled to remove the germ rendering the grain incapable of germination. Grain is polished to produce smooth white/amber polished rice.

Parboiled rice: Rice grain that has been boiled in the husk, then dried and polished to remove the husk and remaining germ. Parboiled rice has a glassier appearance that conventional milled rice. Parboiled brown rice requires an import permit.

Zizania palustris and Z. aquatica

Wild rice (Zizania palustris and Z. aquatica) is different to rice of the Oryza species. Wild rice is a very long narrow seed, about 10-20 mm long and only about 1- 2mm wide. Processed wild rice has been de-hulled, cured and dried. The grains are shiny black in appearance and brown in the centre, not green.

Figure 1: Paddy rice

Figure 2: Brown rice

Figure 3: Permitted red rice

Figure 4: Clockwise from left - white rice, black rice and red rice

Figure 5: Left - black glutinous rice (permitted); Centre - black rice (permit required); Right - wild rice - Zizania aquatica (permitted)