New import conditions for nursery stock host plants of pathogenic fungi Ceratocystis spp.
Effective from 21 December 2018This alert applies to importers of the following genera of nursery stock:
Acacia |
Actinidia |
Alocasia |
Annona |
Arracacia |
Betula |
Brachystegia |
Burkea |
Carapa |
Carya |
Citrus |
Coffea |
Colocasia |
Colophospermum |
Combretum |
Crotalaria |
Cunninghamia |
Dalbergia |
Eriobotrya |
Eucalyptus |
Faurea |
Ficus |
Gmelina |
Hevea |
Ipomoea |
Julbernadia |
Mangifera |
Manihot |
Metrosideros |
Ochna |
Ozoroa |
Parinari |
Passiflora |
Platanus |
Populus |
Protea |
Prunus |
Punica |
Quercus |
Rapanea |
Schizolobium |
Schotia |
Spathodea |
Styrax |
Syzgygium |
Terminalia |
Theobroma |
Tilia |
Xanthosoma |
What is changing?
Ceratocystis host genera (listed above) imported for nursery stock in a form other than tissue culture will require a minimum of 12 months of post-entry quarantine growth in the closed government facility in Mickleham, Victoria (subject to other existing conditions), with active testing by culturing (or equivalent) for species of Ceratocystis.
This will apply to imports from all countries.
Import conditions for tissue culture of the listed genera will not include any additional measures.
Changes effective from:
These changes will take effect from March 2019.
Further information:
Enquiries related to these changes can be submitted via email to
This Alert applies to the following Cases:
- Coffea spp. for use as nursery stock
- Rutaceae as nursery stock
- Passiflora spp. for use as nursery stock
- Ipomoea batatas for use as nursery stock
- Manihot spp. for use as nursery stock
- Annona spp. for use as nursery stock
- Punica spp. for use as nursery stock
- Ficus carica for use as nursery stock
- Prunus spp. for use as nursery stock
- Forestry or amenity species that are hosts of Xylella fastidiosa and Sudden Oak Death
- Guava rust hosts for use as nursery stock
- Medium risk plants for use as nursery stock
- Xylella fastidiosa hosts for use as nursery stock
- Tropical and temperate species that are hosts of Xylella fastidiosa for use as nursery stock
- Colocasia spp. for use as nursery stock
- Ornamental hosts of fireblight for use as nursery stock
- Actinidia spp. (kiwi fruit, gooseberry) for use as nursery stock
- Xylella fastidiosa and sudden oak death hosts for use as nursery stock
- Mangifera spp. for use as nursery stock
- Chrysoporthe hosts for use as nursery stock