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Revised import conditions for selected plant products to take effect 25 July 2018

Effective from 6 June 2018

Who does this notice affect?

Industry stakeholders including importers, approved arrangements, freight forwarders and brokers that deal with dried herb products not for human consumption.

What is changing?

From 25 July 2018 dried herb products not for human consumption will not require an import permit if importers can meet the import conditions published in BICON.


The Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Non-Prohibited Goods) Determination 2016 is currently under amendment. As a result, from 25 July 2018 dried herb products not for human consumption will no longer require an import permit when the specified alternative conditions are met.

Further information

For additional information please see the biosecurity legislation page on the department’s web site, email Plant Import Operations Branch at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Alert applies to the following Cases: